teach child

Friday, 21 March 2014

Learning To Talk

Is your baby’s cooing and babbling the beginning of baby conversation? You betcha. And guess who he’ll be talking to? Here’s looking (and cooing!) at you, Mom.

Baby’s First Sounds
Sometime between the first few weeks and the second month, a baby begins making vowel sounds, experimenting with the sound of his voice and what his mouth, tongue, and throat can do. He may start with breathy and seemingly random sounds, but you’ll soon notice these sounds are directed at an audience — you, a favorite stuffed animal, the mobile in his crib, or even his own reflection. Within a few weeks to months he’ll add laughs, squeals, and a few consonants to his repertoire. Here’s a closer look at baby’s vocal timeline (remember that this is just an average of when most babies begin vocalizing):
  • By six weeks to three months old: vowel sounds, cooing, and gurgling
  • By three and a half months old: laughing out loud
  • By four and a half months old: squealing and some consonants (a-ga, a-ba, a-da)
  • By six months old: singsong strings of consonants (da-da-da-da-da)
  • By eight months old: double consonants (da-da, ma-ma, ha-ha) without association
  • Between ten and 14 months: first real word (or words!)
If your baby doesn’t hit this general guideline — say he doesn’t start saying consonants until after eight months, for example — don’t be alarmed. But if he’s consistently way behind these language milestones despite your best efforts, or is having trouble responding when you say his name or talk to him, speak to the pediatrician. He may need a hearing evaluation or other tests.
Talking to Your Baby
For babies, learning to talk is a two-way street: You talk, he mimics you (or at least mimics the sounds he hears), and you continue the “conversation.” But is there a right way to talk to your baby? “Parentese” — that high-pitched, singsong way of speaking — comes easily to some parents, while others may feel a little self-conscious. The good news? As long as you’re talking, your baby is listening. So no matter how you engage your little one (whether it’s “Whose cute itty-bitty toes are these?” or “Look at these cute toes!”), your baby will benefit.
Of course, his verbal ability will develop more quickly if you make a conscious effort to talk to him even when he’s a newborn (even though it’ll seem as if you’re talking to yourself!). So, for example, if you’re taking your baby to your parents’ house, you could say, “Do you know where we’re going? To Grandma’s house! Let’s bring your teddy to Grandma’s!” This will help you get into the habit of talking to your little one, even if he can’t understand everything (at first!).
In fact, any conversation — between you and your partner, even your end of a cell-phone chat — can serve as an impromptu language lesson for baby. He’ll pick up almost as much from secondhand dialogue as he will when he’s getting all your attention. But when you are talking to your baby, don’t be afraid to give him a chance to answer — even if it’s a coo, giggle, gurgle, or sigh rather than words. Studies show that babies whose parents talk with them rather than at them learn to talk earlier.
Need more ideas for kicking off baby conversation? Let your imagination run free. Tell your little one stories from your childhood, give him some guided tours as you go on your strolls (even if it’s just to the kitchen to get a snack), give him a blow-by-blow of your favorite movies. Just keep chatting, commenting on things around you, and asking questions, and one day your baby will surprise you by answering!

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